Solid Beams

timber trusses on front of building

Solid Timber Trusses

Solid Timber trusses can be made from Cedar or Douglas Fir for areas such as Outdoor Kitchens and porches.

Ceiling structure of solid timber and steel brackets

Solid Timber Structures and Brackets

Common area buildings and Cabanas can be made using timbers and steel brackets. Count on Delta to make your special area stand out.

Timber beams in a kitchen ceiling

Solid Timber Interior Beams

We specialize in unique designs of trusses to create that “WOW” factor. Solid timber trusses must be installed during the framing phase of construction but they create a one-of-a-kind look that says “WOW”!

Delta Millwork offers beams and trusses in 3 unique finishes. “Rustic Hand Scraped” creates mimics a old timber from 100 years ago when men used axes and chisels to clean lumber. “Smooth” is simply a smoothed planed finish, or “Rough Sawn”, which leaves the marks created by the giant saws that cut the beams.

We also offer handmade steel brackets flame cut from A36 steel plate and black rustic bolts.

Wooden structure showing off black A36 steel plates with rutsic bolts

Steel Plates and Bolts